Get Creative and Win 500 BNC!

Bifrost Finance
3 min readNov 18, 2020


On social media, Meme has become an indispensable mental snack for youth, with its powerful ability, witty graphic style, and unique narrative art, bringing a lot of fun to a quiet day.

The rich and funny Meme are also loved by crypto enthusiasts, and every blockchain project and even social media has a specific meme that has become almost a necessity.

Therefore, the Bifrost team is holding a contest to give people who love meme culture a chance to collect BNC :)

How to participate?

It’s easy to make, you just need a picture 👇

Original Meme
Bifrost Meme
  • It can be in the form of expressions, Images, GIFs, or even videos etc. There is no format or size requirement, as long as it is related to the Bifrost theme.
  • One person can submit as many entries as he/she wants.
  • The winner should have a creative and original idea.
  • Submit your work to the Bifrost official email address ( by November 30th.
  • After submitting your work, send your expressions to the Bifrost community to participate in the Meme discussion.
  • When submitting, please include your work and DOT / Bifrost address so that we can contact you.

What‘s the reward?

The total number of BNC rewards is 500, including 200 BNC for Creativity, 150 BNC for Popularity and 150 BNC for Productivity, and the top 8 in each category.

How to select meme?

Submissions will be preliminarily screened by Bifrost officials, and the preliminarily screened submissions will be posted on the Bifrost Discord community for voting. The winner will be the one with the highest number of votes.


By submitting your work, you agree that Bifrost will have the right to use the work for exhibition, display, publication, etc.

What is Bifrost ?

Bifrost is the DeFi project for PoS tokens, that include staking and liquidity both. It allows to get vToken for operations and delivering liqidity, plus you got staking rewards all the time your DOT, KSM,EOS or other token blocked by the smart-contract. You get reward from the Day 1 of nomination, without locking periods and can change your, for example, vKSM for KSM any time. BNC is the native token of Bifrost.

vToken can optimize transactions in multiple scenarios such as DeFi, Dapp, DEX, etc. When vToken is used as a collateral for lending, its staking income can offset part of the interest and realize low-interest borrowing.

With vToken you can hedge the risk of locked positions, DeFi & Staking double rewards and leverage Staking and other application scenarios.

