The 2nd DOT crowdloan unlock is coming… as is the Polkadot Unlock Harvest 2.0

Last October, Bifrost launched the Polkadot Unlock Harvest. The event, coinciding with the first phase of Polkadot crowdloans expiring, lasted for +40 days, and collected a total of 1,700 addresses who staked over 1.8 Million DOT, sharing a Reward Pool of 500,000 BNC.
On January 16th, the 2nd batch of Polkadot’s crowdloans will end!
With over 26 million DOT set to unlock, the Polkadot Unlock Harvest is returning in a new version, promising a Reward Pool of +150,000 BNC for those users who will Liquid Stake DOT - Mint vDOT - on Bifrost!
The event, spanning over a month, will be divided into two distinct phases geared towards providing users with different opportunities to earn tokens and rewards.
vsToken Farming
- Starting Date: January 3rd, 8AM UTC
- Ending Date: January 15th, 8AM UTC
- Reward: 7,358 BNC
Participants who supported the first crowdloans for Efinity, Composable, Centrifuge, Interlay, Nodle, and HydraDX through Bifrost’s SALP had the chance to farm their vsDOT and vsBond, to earn rewards.
Upon pool maturity, the staked vsDOT and vsBond will automatically be converted into vDOT and participate in the Polkadot Unlock Harvest 2.0 event, without even requiring user intervention.
For more details on the vsToken farms and their specific yield, visit HERE.

Polkadot Unlock Harvest 2.0
As the second round of Polkadot crowdloans expire, the Polkadot Unlock Harvest 2.0 campaign will go LIVE.
Users can Liquid Stake their unlocked DOT for vDOT and participate in liquidity mining, earning Raindrops points, and sharing BNC incentives.
Additionally, users can invite and refer friends to participate in liquidity mining, and both parties will receive additional BNC rewards.
- Starting Date: January 16th, 7AM (UTC)
- Ending Date: February 20th, 10AM (UTC)
- Campaign: LINK
- Reward: 150,000 BNC
Participants can earn from:
Raindrops Pool Rewards
Participants who liquid stake their DOT on Bifrost - minting vDOT - will receive corresponding Raindrop Points, in addition to the basic DOT staking rewards and also enjoy additional rewards from the Raindrops pool.
The more Raindrop points users accumulate in the lesser amount of time, the higher their rewards from the Raindrops pool will be. Rewards from the Raindrops pool can be viewed on the Staking Page of the Bifrost dApp, with a pool size being approximately 120,000 BNC.
Friend Invitation Rewards
During the event, users who invite friends to Liquid Stake DOT, can share a special Reward Pool of 6,000 BNC Extra.
The more friends are invited, the greater the share of the reward for the inviter will be.
Friend Staking Rewards
Participants who successfully invite friends - who successfully mint vDOT - can share a friend-staking reward pool of 24,000 BNC Extra.
The more vDOT tokens are minted by the invited friends, the greater the reward for the inviter. Friend staking rewards will be distributed proportionally, based on the ranking of the total vDOT minted by friends.
- Users’ Staking Rewards will be valid, only if the invited mints vDOT.
- The minimum amount an invited user should mint is 0.5 DOT.
- Each address can only be invited once.
- The friend invitation rewards will be distributed based on the ranking of the number of friends successfully invited by the inviter. Proportions of this rewards will be based on the number of friends invited.
How to Get Raindrops
- DOT Liquid Staking: For every 1 vDOT Minted, a minimum of 300 Raindrops can be obtained. During the DOT staking boost period, a maximum Raindrop boost bonus of 55% can be applied.
- Friend Invitation: When staking DOT, if the inviter’s address is provided (each address can only be successfully invited once), the invited person can receive 1000 Raindrops as a one-time reward.
How to use Boost to Get more Raindrops?
- After successfully inviting a friend, users can receive a 10% Raindrops Boost bonus when Staking DOT.
- By joining the Bifrost Discord Server and binding your address using the bot command, users can receive an additional 10% Raindrops Boost bonus when staking.
- If users have participated in the first round of Polkadot crowdloans for Efinity, Composable, Centrifuge, Interlay, Nodle, and HydraDX, they can receive a Raindrops Boost bonus, varying from 5% to 25%, based on the amount of DOT locked.
- If you have participated in the vsToken Farming Event, you can receive an additional 10% Raindrops Boost bonus when staking.

Reward Settlement
The rewards for vsToken Farming & Polkadot Unlock Harvest will be displayed on the campaign page.
Rewards will be settled uniformly after the end of the campaign and distributed linearly over three months (with weekly distributions).
Please set your reminders and stay tuned to the Bifrost community updates at all times. Don’t miss the first event of the Year!